WWW Wednesday (December 4)

WWW Wednesday December 4Ahhhh…young love…and serial killing!

W…W…W…Wednesdays is a weekly reading prompt hosted by MizB at Should be Reading. 


  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading Voices of the Pacific: Untold Stories From the Marine Heroes of World War II by Adam Makos. I like the style Makos uses to present the stories. Essentially, he has organized the book around certain events, such as the fighting on Guadalcanal and the marines he interviewed tell the story from their perspective. I know I have said this before, but I am always amazed at what these men and women went through. It makes me really thankful for everything we have, because they sacrificed.

I finished Mad River by John Sandford. Two young lovers become serial killers in a twisted tale of greed, love and revenge. Virgil Flowers gets all the answers in his on-the-groud-running style. Sandford pens more than his usual number of twists in Mad River, the 6th book of the Flowers Series. It is those twists that make me like reading his books.

I am not even going to venture a guess as to what I will read next. I rarely seem to read what I tell you. So, I will just have to let you know next week.

Have a great week!!

About Paul H-C

Just an avid reader in the little town of Bangor, Maine (Yes, that Bangor...home of Stephen King). When I'm not reading and drinking coffee, I sell cell phones by the sea shore.
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