WWW Wednesday (November 27)

WWW Wednesday November 27This coming Saturday is Small Business Saturday. It is a day dedicated to supporting locally owned and operated businesses in your local community.

But, how far would you go to get your community out from under the looming shadow of Big Box Development?

W…W…W…Wednesdays is a weekly reading prompt hosted by MizB at Should be Reading. 


  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

I just finished reading Shock Wave by John Sandford. It is the 5th book in the Virgil Flowers series and, despite its title, it is not the most shocking. But, it is a lot of fun. There is a whackadoodle on the loose blowing things up seemingly to prevent the construction of a new PyeMart (thinly veiled, don’tcha think?!?). You’ve got all the typical characters: the greedy developers, the environmentalists, the local government on the take, and, of course, “that f**king Flowers”.

It is Sandford’s normal mixture of brains and bullets that sails along nicely until the end where the gale-force winds rip the last 80-100 pages out of your grasp.

Since I needed more of the same, I am currently reading the 6th book in the same series, Mad River. It’s a modern day Bonnie & Clyde story. I’m only about a third of the way through and I think there have already been a dozen or so people killed by the duo. Flowers is having a tough time pinning them down. But, when he does, I know it’ll be good.

Next, I think I will head back to the Steampunk world and pick up The Casebook of Newbury & Hobbes by George Mann.

Have a great week!

About Paul H-C

Just an avid reader in the little town of Bangor, Maine (Yes, that Bangor...home of Stephen King). When I'm not reading and drinking coffee, I sell cell phones by the sea shore.
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2 Responses to WWW Wednesday (November 27)

  1. Pingback: Paul's 2013 Catch Up Reading Challenge

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