WWW Wednesday (November 20)

WWW Wednesday November 20“…bodies stacked on bodies, waist-deep, stacked like cordwood,” (The Liberator, by Alex Kershaw)

Sounds like something out of the latest Stephen King novel, huh? Nope, these are words used to describe what Felix Sparks and the Thunderbirds (7th Army, 45th Division) encountered when they approached Dachau on April 29, 1945 —  after almost 500 days of marching across Europe to fight the Nazis. I can’t even imagine!

W…W…W…Wednesdays is a weekly reading prompt hosted by MizB at Should be Reading. 


  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading Shock Wave by John Sandford. I needed a break from the non-fiction and figured who better to provide a fast-paced read. This is part of the Virgil Flowers series and picks up pretty much where Bad Blood left off. Flowers is called on to investigate a couple of bombings in rural Minnesota, which appear (as far as I have read) to be targeted to stop the building of a “big box” store in the community of Butternut. As usual, his reputation precedes him, both personal and professional.

As you can tell from the opening, I just finished The Liberator by Alex Kershaw. The things that Felix Sparks and the Thunderbirds did/saw while helping to liberate Europe during WWII are nothing short of jaw-dropping. I don’t know how these men and women did what they did, saw what they saw, and came back to live normal lives. Kershaw is graphic, when need be, so this is not a book for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach. But, it is one of the best WWII non-fiction books I have read. It would make my Top-Ten Recommended Books list — if I were to do one.

I will probably tackle Harbor by John Ajvide Lindqvist next. I picked it up at Barnes & Noble last weekend and has been calling to me from the TBR shelf ever since.

But, as usual, we’ll see what my mood is.

Have a great week!!!

About Paul H-C

Just an avid reader in the little town of Bangor, Maine (Yes, that Bangor...home of Stephen King). When I'm not reading and drinking coffee, I sell cell phones by the sea shore.
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